
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

OOTD & YouTube Channel!

Outfit: Iron Fist bag, watch and shoes

Hello again, sorry for being so inactive for a pretty long time. These pics are from a film shooting we'd been doing for the most part of the last week, so I've also started to learn a little about filming and shot my first YouTube video (which my friend, who's an expert unlike me, later edited :) I've also been writing A LOT.
As for the outfit, it's my usual little black dress (though a new one, but who's counting) and my black and white zombie purse and heels. I added a green leopard eyeball hair bow, for an extra zombie vibe!
Again, sorry for not being able to keep up with all the blogs, but it gets better!
Please check out my YT channel, like & subscribe, I will return! <3


  1. I don't watch YouTube videos a lot but I like the outfit!

    1. Thanks! Neither do I, but apparently today you need to have one, as a lot of women prefer YT :/ I prefer to see a picture of an outfit, so I can copy it to my computer, I've been doing it for years :D

  2. beautyfull! amazing look :)
    kisses from poland :*

  3. Love your outfit!! :) I just subscribed to your YouTube channel :)


  4. Cute Outfit, in pictures and on video! Of course subscribed - let's both learn how to do this youtube stuff ^_^ <3

  5. You looks great! I especially like that zombie bag - it's so creepy and amazing!

    Lizzie Bee // mysticthorn.com

  6. Jako dobar i atraktivan look! Zaista se izdvajas stilom koji preferiras.
    Veliki pozz

  7. Love this look! Stop by my blog http://www.styleincali.com when you get a chance! Following back :)


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